



Jill JONCOUR joined 14 Pyramides Notaires in April 2014.

Jill is specialised in property law, and in particular tertiary, office, retail and hotel property, and principally supports institutional clients and investors.

Her thorough and precise analysis of the files and her expertise enable her to support her clients in all disposal, investment and negotiation transactions, up to the execution of the relevant legal instruments.

Highly motivated with great conscientiousness, she has acquired skills related to financing operations so as to be able to support her clients at all key stages of an acquisition.

They did not know it was impossible, so they did it.
Mark Twain

  • Complex property (disposals/transactions)
  • Disposal and acquisition of property portfolios
  • Legal audit
  • Property financing
  • Master 2 degree, private law and protection of vulnerable persons (CAEN Normandie University)
  • Certified Notary, CNEPN Paris
  • Fluent legal English

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