

Managing director


After practising as an attorney between 1998 and 2001 within the FIDAL law offices, Xavier LIEVRE became a notary. As a notary/partner since 2001, Xavier LIEVRE started by supporting the development of block sales of property portfolios for leading French and foreign institutional clients.

Since 2006, he has mainly focused his work on projects entrusted to the firm by leading public-sector entities (major national and local authorities) which have relied on us since the end of the nineteenth century, on urban development projects initiated by public-sector companies and institutions, and on property development projects.

Xavier has written, jointly with the firm’s consultant specialised in this area, numerous articles on the cleaning of polluted sites.

Also, Xavier regularly participates in trade associations, as he deems that such involvement is essential to acquiring the open-mindedness that is vital to the success of his projects.

Le bonheur du notaire est de comprendre les besoins des opérateurs pour proposer la solution juridique ou la rédaction de la clause qui permettra aux parties de s’accorder et au dossier de sortir. Ecoute, créativité, rigueur de mise en œuvre : trois qualités au cœur de mon accompagnement chez 14 Pyramides Notaires.

  • Urban development – property development
  • Institutional investors (French and foreign)
  • CERCOL (Centre d’Études et de Recherches pour la Construction et le Logement – Construction and Housing Study and Research Centre) – Paris 2 University
  • Member of Club Ville Hybride
  • Member of ULI France’s Urban Regeneration Council
  • Fluent legal English

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